Grade 8

How to Survive the 8th Grade at AdVENTURE!
Woah! I can't believe the year is almost over. Being here for 2 years was a great experience for me and I will miss everything about AdVENTURE. My first year wasn't so rough and after my first year, I knew this year was gonna be better. I learned many things here as an 8th grader. I hope you will, too. Just remember that your 8th grade year is your last, so make it your best!
As my last year, I enjoyed many things. Like for one, I got to make new memories with my friends. That's so important, because if you don't make memories of AdVenture in your 8th grade year especially, you won't remember a whole lot next year. I made friends with some more people and became closer with some people. I got to know each and every single one of them. I also enjoyed that we did many different projects. In addition to the projects we did the previous years, we did some more this year. In my second year, I enjoyed project based learning even more. The one thing I did not enjoy was this is my last year. Knowing this is my last year, I won't be seeing a lot of people next year from AdVenture, but I will still visit and see some of the close friends once and while. This is why making memories is so important. You have friends that you won't see in high school and you have friends that may not talk to you in high school. So, make the most out of our last year in AdVenture and in middle school.
I think I would do some things differently if I could go back to the beginning of the year. If I could go back to the beginning of the year, I would try and make better friends. I did meet some great people in my time here but there are people I regret meeting because they aren't who they think they were. There were some people that I thought would be good to hang around. But then, I start to figure they start to become clingy, and annoying. I would also try to be dependent on my thought, because I would always depend on what others think, and that would affect what I'm thinking. So, I shouldn't care what others think and do what I do. That's also something you should think about. Don't care about what others say or think and worry about yourself. At this time of age, teens may be doing this that may seem stupid or smart. Use your intellect to do the right thing. Once you do that thing, there's no back. So chose wisely and think about what you do or say.
Throughout the year, I thought there were some easy things and some hard things. I think the most difficult thing for me, was to keep my grades up. I know I have a 4.0 GPA, but at the end of each term I always have a B+ and have to try to raise it up to at least an A-. Luckily in AdVENTURE, we are allowed to submit things, so I have another chance of getting a higher score on the assignment. I think the easiest thing for me was getting work done. When work was due, I got it done. So getting work done in a timely manner was pretty easy for me. So you can see, there sometimes where things was easy and difficult.
This year, I believe that the teachers did an amazing job to provide us with the education and materials that we need. A tip. Be thankful of your teachers. They have sacrificed so much for us students and we shouldn't take that for granted. Instead, we should be giving them some gratitude. But, I wished the teachers were more organized with the End of Year project. Unlike Charity Fair and last year's EOY project, we started different things in different class at different times. Last year, we would have a timeline of what to do and when things are due. The teachers and students would be on the same page. Like I said, we did different things. Most of the students, especially for my 8th grade class were confused. So one thing I wished the teachers would do is to clear up any miscommunications in projects.
There are so many things ahead. Learn how to deal with adversity and challenges. They will help you in your future even you don't know it. Anything could happen in this world and anyone could change the world. I want you to enjoy your last year here as an AdVENTURE student. Everyone here is special and you won't see anything like it anywhere else. I am very thankful to be in an environment like this and you should, too! Good luck on your 8th grade year and congrats!