How to Survive the 7th Grade at AdVENTURE!
As a 7th grader here at AdVenture, it was kinda tough being a new kid. But, once I met everyone and got a hang of it, I kinda felt like I was fitting in. I learned many things as a 7th grader and as a new student in general. There are many things that you will learn as a 7th grader and there are mistakes you will have but learn from them. Like one, never procrastinate and enjoy the best of your time.
I enjoyed many things this year. Like for one, I got to meet a bunch of new people. I got to know each and every single one of them. I also enjoyed that we did many different projects. Unlike my old school, where we did a few projects, here we did much more. Even though I'm new, I still got to used to the 'project-based learning.' I did not enjoy some of the things this year. For one, I didn't like that after the construction, they took out the grass and made it into a parking lot/drop off area. Last year, I saw that area was full of grass. I also didn't like how they add gates and fences. I know the gates are supposed to be for more secure, but sometimes you get locked out, and the gate that opens up the AdVENTURE parking lot is always opens. So as you can see, I enjoyed and did not enjoy some things this year.
If you could go back to the beginning of the year, I would try to make better friends. There were some people where I regret meeting, and for a variety of reasons. I some first impressions of people that were nice and thought they would be good to hang around. But then, I start to figure they start to become clingy, and annoying. Some of my friends have known that. I would also try to be dependent on my thought, because I would always depend on what others think, and that would affect what I'm thinking. So, I shouldn't care what others think and do what I do. As you can see, I would do some things different, if I could back to the beginning of the year.
​There were some times where things were easy for me and things were difficult. I think the most difficult thing for me, was to keep my grades up. I know I have a 4.0 GPA, but at the end of each term I always have a B+ and have to try to raise it up to at least an A-. Luckily in AdVENTURE, we are allowed to submit things, so I have another chance of getting a higher score on the assignment. I think the easiest thing for me was getting work done. When work was due, I got it done. So getting work done in a timely manner was pretty easy for me. So you can see, there sometimes where things was easy and difficult.
I wish my teachers had done more digital assignments. Like my history teacher, respectfully, she does a lot of hand-out worksheets. I know this is STEM based program and we use technology. But I think she wants us to do some worksheets, so that we aren't always on the computer. I wish our teachers had let us resubmit everything, that's not a zero and not a quiz. Unlike our ELA teacher, respectfully only lets us regrade something, but with her consent. In some other classes, we are still allowed to resubmit even though it's one point off. So as you can see, I wish my teachers had done some things differently. I hope you took something out of this essay, and to remember some tips on how to survive the 7th grade. Good luck!
Grade 7